Friday, May 2, 2008

Life Leadership Weekend Approaching

Lately, much of my energy has been focused on this event. Frankly, my favorite parts of my job are getting to be creative and getting to interact with students, and this allows my to do both, so a big "win-win" for me!

My mission was to create an event that would appeal to all prospective chiropractic students, regardless of their level of knowledge of or experience with the Chiropractic profession. I want the event to be very user friendly and interactive (not too much time with people talking at you) and allow the students to see for themselves what Life University is all about. Too much of recruitment ends up being us telling students what Life is or what Life means to us. This allows us to break out of the recruitment rut and let you see and decide for yourself!

The event is coming together beautifully, with all my key speakers being available and several groups of current students being eager to help and interact. I'm anticipating having about 150 prospective students over the three day weekend, engaging in learning, experiencing breakthrough activities, eating yummy food, and above all have a blast at Life University.

If you'd like to learn more, check out the event page at our website: ( And then... Come and Join Us!!!!

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