Thursday, March 26, 2009

Superweekend: How to Squeeze It All Into 48 Hours!

As many of you know, Superweekend is rapidly approaching. I'm excited and simultaneously crazed by all the activity. What to do? Perhaps the pell-mell pace of things has me just as twisted up as everyone else. I should back up, because I can almost hear some of you asking: "What the heck is Superweekend?"

Superweekend (April 17-19) is comprised of multiple interlocking and overlapping events occurring on Life University's campus. The cool thing and the tough thing about the multiple events? Most people want to do more than one event while on campus that week. Let's lay it out:

1) Vitalism Conference: This ground breaking conference is drawing not just chiropractors who are eager to explore the interface between a vitalistic philosophy and chiropractic philosophy and practice, but also academicians from a variety of fields. The on campus conference (Via the Life University Octagon) will culminate in a white paper, laying out the intersection of vitalistic thought across the professions and industries present. This really is groundbreaking stuff folks!!! A schedule and more info can be found here.

2) Life Leadership Weekend: The quarterly event hosts prospective students on an extensive look into the real world of Life University. We are expecting a big group this time and can't wait to hang out and show them not just the campus and the area, but what Life is all about. This event is free to prospective students and we are almost at capacity, so if you know someone who'd be interested in this, ACT NOW! Read more details here.

3) LIFEForce Appreciation Weekend: In case you've missed it...the doctors in the field are REALLY excited about all the exciting stuff happening at Life. Our alumni and friends have been actively recruiting for Life University via a program called LIFEforce. This weekend invites our LIFEforce members to come onto campus and to give Life a chance to give something back. The doctors will be interacting with the prospective students, with the Vitalism Conference and will have several VIP sessions just for them (dinner with Dr. Riekeman, etc...). Look forward to a great time, great thought, great fellowship, and a stronger connection to what is going on at the school and in the profession. And we pay for almost everything! Who'd want to miss that? Seriously?

4) Rugby Championship Sweet Sixteen: We are hosting the collegiate level eastern rugby championship games on campus. We are expect fans from across the east coast. Our boys won't be playing (wrong league) but there will be a rockin' rugby time going on none-the-less.

So, that's Life University Superweekend.

So, this begs the original question: How could you possibly squeeze all this into one weekend?

There are so many option, you really would do best by consulting an insider. That's us! Call the recruitment office and let us walk you though the schedules and options. Plus, we need to know where you want to be so we can plan for you. You scratch our back (call us! that's it!) and we'll scratch yours (hook you up with a great weekend).

Life Recruitment Team: 770-426-2751 or email me at!