Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chiropractic Adjustment Restores Man's Vision

Health Tip Of The Week... brought to you as a public service by Mike Headlee DC

According to a report on KCRG in Cedar Rapids, IA this past January, medical doctors aren't quite sure how it happened, but a man in Dubuque, Iowa can see clearly after being blind in one eye for more than a decade.

It happened after a trip to the chiropractor.

According to the news story, twelve years ago Doug Harkey's left eye suddenly stopped working. "I woke up one day and I didn't have vision in one eye."

And as quickly as he lost his sight, he got it back.

After a routine visit to Chiropractor Tim Stackis, Harkey said a miracle happened.

"My blind eye started watering after I left the office and it watered for 45 minutes straight. It started making my good eye water. I went to wipe my right eye and I could see out of my left eye again."

Doctor Stackis said, "The bones in Harkey's neck were out of alignment and that interferes with the messages and energy the brain sends down to the rest of the body."

We bring this news story to your attention for a few very good reasons:

1. A cure was not being attempted.

2. By adjusting Harkey's spine, his nerve system normalized and a body function was restored.

3. This happens during every chiropractic adjustment but the restoration of function is not always so dramatic.

4. Normal function is always preferable.

Here's what I have to say:

If you would like to see a video of the interview with Doug Harkey, please visit my Facebook page. (Chris Nadine)

This truly is an amazing story, but what I find more amazing is that it will not receive the same amount of attention as any of the daily stories of crime, death & disaster. That's a pretty sad thing when you take into consideration the law of attraction - what you focus on will come to you.

My challenge to you today, this week and this year is to focus on this positive example of the human body's unlimited potential and sharing it with as many people as possible.

"We never know how far reaching something we may think say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow." - BJ Palmer

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